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Parish Meeting

Set within Tewkesbury Borough, Hasfield is too small to need a fully elected Parish Council, so we have an Annual Parish Meeting, and at least one other Parish Meeting each year, open to all residents of the parish. We are funded through a parish precept which is a small addition to the Council Tax.

Refuse Collection and Recycling

- Bin day is Tuesday. If there is a bank holiday on the Monday, the collection is most likely to be moved to Wednesday. Collections alternate between green refuse bins and blue recycling bins. Food waste caddies are collected every week. The 2021-22 collection calendar is here. Bins must be left out, ready for collection, from 7:00am.

For Christmas collections, see here.

- During floods, or if holiday collections are missed, blue one-off recycling bags can be collected from Jenny Miles, Rowan Cottage, 780565

- Christmas trees can be recycled in your brown bin as part of the garden waste collection service. If the tree is taller than 6ft, please cut it so that it fits in the bin and can be emptied safety into the vehicle. If you do not have a brown bin, you can take your tree to one of a number of garden centres in the borough and it will be collected and composted.

Footpaths, Verges and Bird-Watching

- Hasfield has some excellent footpath walks - see map here. It is the responsibility of landowners to maintain styles and gates, although carrying a pair of secateurs with you to trim brambles is always a good idea. Gloucestershire Highways are responsible for the footpath surface, footbridges and signage, and issues can be reported here. Walks in the wider area can be found here.

- A number of our local verges are covered by biodiversity conservation, and so are likely to remain uncut - see here for local maps, or here for the full county list. The council also publishes a Highways & Biodiversity Guidance here.

- Ashleworth Ham on Ham Road is managed as a nature reserve by the Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust. During the winter it becomes the perfect habitat for wildfowl including pintails, teal, shovelers, tufted ducks, pochards, wigeons, goldeneyes and great crested grebes and little grebes. Details here.

Police and Emergency Services

- Our nominated PCSO (police community support officer) is James King. He can be contacted for non-emergency calls on 01452 907330, or via He encourages villagers to report any suspicions or concerns.

- We are quite a way from Tewkesbury and Gloucester, and post codes cover wide areas. Download What3Words to your phone so that you can easily give a very exact location. 

Local Shops


Elected officers of the Parish Meeting are:
Chair: Mrs A Alexander
Treasurer:  Mr D Miles
Clerk:  Mrs Jane Griffiths and Mrs Brenda Oliver

Minutes are recorded in a hardback book which dates from the original formation of the Parish Meeting in 1894. The parish notice boards are at the entrance to the church lane (opposite Amberley House), and there is another notice board in Upper Hasfield by the post box. This website serves as the official public display of Parish Meeting business.



The 2024 AGM and Parish Meeting was held on Friday 24th May, 7:00 at Hasfield Court. Fourteen  parishioners attended, along with our Borough/County Councillor, and a representative from the Environment Agency. Minutes here and here. The financial report and governance review were approved and can be viewed here. The public may also request to view the full accounts and related documents, see here.  Amy Alexander was elected as the new Chair.


Parish Meeting, was held on Friday 12th January, 7:00 at Hasfield Court. Minutes here. The annual Precept (part of each households Council Tax) was approved.


The 2023 AGM and Parish Meeting was held on Friday 16th June, 7:00 at Hasfield Court. Twelve parishioners attended. Minutes here and here. The financial report and governance review were approved and can be viewed here. The public may also request to view the full accounts and related documents, see here. .


January 20th 2023 Parish meeting 7:00pm at the Court. Minutes here


The 2022 AGM and Parish Meeting was held on Friday June 24th, 19:00 at Hasfield Court. Nine parishioners attended. Minutes here and here. The financial report and governance review were approved and can be viewed here.  The public may also request to view the full accounts and related documents, see here

February 25th 2022 Parish meeting 7:00pm at the Court. Minutes here


The 2021 AGM and Parish Meeting was held on Tuesday June 22nd, 18:30 in the garden at Hasfield Court. Twelve parishioners attended. Agendas here. Minutes to follow. The financial report and governance review were approved and can be viewed here.  The public may also request to view the full accounts and related documents, see here.


The 2020 AGM was held on Monday August 24th, 6:00pm at Hasfield Court  - in the garden due to Covid restrictions. Minutes here.  The 2019-20 accounts were approved at the meeting and are available here. Minutes of the August parish meeting, which was held at the same time here.

For more information about the Parish Meeting, please contact the Clerk: 



The biggest expenditure is for maintenance of the churchyard, which is the only publicly owned space in the village (the church building is maintained by the PCC, the Parochial Church Council). Other spend includes such items as grit bins, signs, website, etc. Final 2022-23 accounts here


We are a statutory consultee for local planning applications. See list of recent applications here.


Local Councillors

Our Tewkesbury Borough Councillors for Highnam with Haw Bridge are Paul McLain and Jill Smith
Paul McLain also represents our ward on the Gloucestershire County Council.

Public Consultations

Tewkesbury Borough Council, Gloucestershire County Council and various health and service authorities run frequent consultations with the public on planning and service matters, See the Notice Board on the home page.


Report highway and footpath problems on GCC's ReportIT here. Potholes and blocked drains can be located very accurately on a map. You will be given a log number in order to track progress towards fixes.

Max Kelly is the Local Highways Manager for our area. 

There is an active roadworks list/map available here


Hasfield Parish Meeting

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