Local Services
Many of our services are provided in the neighbouring villages of Ashleworth, Tirley and Staunton. Tewkesbury Borough Council (TBC) provides refuse collection, recycling, etc. and Gloucestershire County Council (GCC) is responsible for highways and footpaths.
Refuse Collection and Recycling
- Bin day is Tuesday. If there is a bank holiday on the Monday, the collection is most likely to be moved to Wednesday. Collections alternate between green refuse bins and blue recycling bins. Food waste caddies are collected every week. The 2021-22 collection calendar is here. Bins must be left out, ready for collection, from 7:00am.
For Christmas collections, see here.
- During floods, or if holiday collections are missed, blue one-off recycling bags can be collected from Jenny Miles, Rowan Cottage, 780565
- Christmas trees can be recycled in your brown bin as part of the garden waste collection service. If the tree is taller than 6ft, please cut it so that it fits in the bin and can be emptied safety into the vehicle. If you do not have a brown bin, you can take your tree to one of a number of garden centres in the borough and it will be collected and composted.
Footpaths, Verges and Bird-Watching
- Hasfield has some excellent footpath walks - see map here. It is the responsibility of landowners to maintain styles and gates, although carrying a pair of secateurs with you to trim brambles is always a good idea. Gloucestershire Highways are responsible for the footpath surface, footbridges and signage, and issues can be reported here. Walks in the wider area can be found here.
- A number of our local verges are covered by biodiversity conservation, and so are likely to remain uncut - see here for local maps, or here for the full county list. The council also publishes a Highways & Biodiversity Guidance here.
- Ashleworth Ham on Ham Road is managed as a nature reserve by the Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust. During the winter it becomes the perfect habitat for wildfowl including pintails, teal, shovelers, tufted ducks, pochards, wigeons, goldeneyes and great crested grebes and little grebes. Details here.
Police and Emergency Services
- Our nominated PCSO (police community support officer) is James King. He can be contacted for non-emergency calls on 01452 907330, or via https://www.gloucestershire.police.uk/neighbourhood-policing/. He encourages villagers to report any suspicions or concerns.
- We are quite a way from Tewkesbury and Gloucester, and post codes cover wide areas. Download What3Words to your phone so that you can easily give a very exact location.
Local Shops
- The Native Butcher farm shop on Wickridge Street sells local meat, ready meals and take-aways, details here.
- Ashleworth Hub here is a shop, deli, post office and cafe. The shop opening hours are Monday – Friday: 08:00-17:00, Saturday: 09:00-16:00, Sunday: 09:30-15:00. Check for cafe and post office.
Refuse Collection and Recycling
- Bin day is Tuesday. If there is a bank holiday on the Monday, the collection is most likely to be moved to Wednesday. Collections alternate between green refuse bins and blue recycling bins. Food waste caddies are collected every week. The 2021-22 collection calendar is here. Bins must be left out, ready for collection, from 7:00am.
For Christmas collections, see here.
- During floods, or if holiday collections are missed, blue one-off recycling bags can be collected from Jenny Miles, Rowan Cottage, 780565
- Christmas trees can be recycled in your brown bin as part of the garden waste collection service. If the tree is taller than 6ft, please cut it so that it fits in the bin and can be emptied safety into the vehicle. If you do not have a brown bin, you can take your tree to one of a number of garden centres in the borough and it will be collected and composted.
Footpaths, Verges and Bird-Watching
- Hasfield has some excellent footpath walks - see map here. It is the responsibility of landowners to maintain styles and gates, although carrying a pair of secateurs with you to trim brambles is always a good idea. Gloucestershire Highways are responsible for the footpath surface, footbridges and signage, and issues can be reported here. Walks in the wider area can be found here.
- A number of our local verges are covered by biodiversity conservation, and so are likely to remain uncut - see here for local maps, or here for the full county list. The council also publishes a Highways & Biodiversity Guidance here.
- Ashleworth Ham on Ham Road is managed as a nature reserve by the Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust. During the winter it becomes the perfect habitat for wildfowl including pintails, teal, shovelers, tufted ducks, pochards, wigeons, goldeneyes and great crested grebes and little grebes. Details here.
Police and Emergency Services
- Our nominated PCSO (police community support officer) is James King. He can be contacted for non-emergency calls on 01452 907330, or via https://www.gloucestershire.police.uk/neighbourhood-policing/. He encourages villagers to report any suspicions or concerns.
- We are quite a way from Tewkesbury and Gloucester, and post codes cover wide areas. Download What3Words to your phone so that you can easily give a very exact location.
Local Shops
- The Native Butcher farm shop on Wickridge Street sells local meat, ready meals and take-aways, details here.
- Ashleworth Hub here is a shop, deli, post office and cafe. The shop opening hours are Monday – Friday: 08:00-17:00, Saturday: 09:00-16:00, Sunday: 09:30-15:00. Check for cafe and post office.
Refuse Collection and Recycling
- Bin day is Tuesday. If there is a bank holiday on the Monday, the collection is most likely to be moved to Wednesday. Collections alternate between green refuse bins and blue recycling bins. Food waste caddies are collected every week. The 2024-25 collection calendar is here. Bins must be left out, ready for collection, from 7:00am.
- During floods, or if holiday collections are missed, blue one-off recycling bags can be collected from Jenny Miles, Rowan Cottage, 780565
- Christmas trees can be recycled in your brown bin as part of the garden waste collection service. If the tree is taller than 6ft, please cut it so that it fits in the bin and can be emptied safety into the vehicle. If you do not have a brown bin, you can take your tree to one of a number of garden centres in the borough and it will be collected and composted.
Footpaths and Verges
- Hasfield has some excellent footpath walks - see map here. It is the responsibility of landowners to maintain styles and gates, although carrying a pair of secateurs with you to trim brambles is always a good idea. Gloucestershire Highways are responsible for the footpath surface, footbridges and signage, and issues can be reported here.
- A number of our local verges are covered by biodiversity conservation, and so are likely to remain uncut - see here for local maps. The council also publishes a Highways & Biodiversity Guidance here.
Police and Emergency Services
- Our nominated PCSO (police community support officer), Sam Corder, can be contacted for non-emergency calls on 01452 907330, or via the Severn Banks policing team site here. He encourages villagers to report any suspicions or concerns.
- A free messaging service by Gloucestershire Constabulary and the Office of the Police and CrimeCommissioner helps keep residents and businesses up to date with incidents that may affect them locally. More details here. There is a Neigbourhood Watch scheme in Upper Hasfield, details here.
- Report fly-tipping to Tewkesbury Borough Council here.
- The Road Safety Community Hub is a main point of contact for residents to report any concerns they have about road safety in their local area. Reports can be made via the Road Safety Partnership’s website. This central hub brings together the expertise of the police, engineers and the road safety experts to provide a better, more efficient way of resolving the problems encountered in our towns and villages. http://roadsafety-gloucestershire.org.uk/communityhub/
- We are quite a way from Tewkesbury and Gloucester, and post codes cover wide areas. Download What3Words to your phone so that you can easily give a very exact location if dialling 999.
Local Shops
- The Native Butcher farm shop on Wickridge Street sells local meat, ready meals and take-aways, details here.
- Ashleworth Hub here is a shop, deli, post office and cafe. The shop opening hours are: Monday to Friday: 08:00-17:00, Saturday: 09:00-16:00, Sunday: 09:30-15:00. Check for cafe and post office.
- The St George's Bakery on the B4211 has a retail counter selling fresh bread, cakes and hot snacks.
- The Cross Hands petrol station on the A417 is open for petrol and groceries from 6am to 10pm most days.
Support Services
Community Connectors is now open to all over 16 who need to connect to local services, organisations and groups that can help improve your general wellbeing and meet your wider social needs. Our contact point is CCP, website here.
Staunton and Corse Surgery
- Patient Protection Group (PPG) here. Surgery news, including flu and Covid jab info here.
- Healthwatch Gloucestershire newsletter here.
- Gloucestershire Care and Support Guide here gives information on how to live well for longer, independently, and in your own home. It also explains how to access a wide range of services that are available for people who need extra care or support, whether that’s in their own home or in a care home.